Explore some of the key metrics, terminologies and performance indicators, that every seller must know to sell successfully on Amazon.
The number of monthly sales of a
product on Amazon.
The price at which the user sources the
product + shipping to Amazon’s
The price at which the item is being
sold for on Amazon.
The net profit per sale that can be
expected, after deducting all costs.
The Return On Investment,
in percentage
‘Buy Box’ for this product is achieved at this price.
The current Best Seller Rank of a
product on Amazon, used as one of
the few main factors that determine a
product’s profitability.
The lowest price at which the buy box
was achieved.
The number of times a product went out of stock, in percentage.
New offers by sellers on that product.
Shows data on the drop in sales rank
of a product over time.
The number of times that a product is sold on Amazon, per month
Checks to see if the product is
categorized as Hazmat
Checks to see if the product has any
Intellectual property and/or trademark
Checks to see if the product is Gated or Ungated. If a product falls under the ‘Gated category’, you may require approvals to sell the product. For more info on gated/ungated categories and restrictions, click here
If a product is categorized as seasonal,
it means it sells well only during certain
seasons. Example: Decorations that
are known to be bought only during
the holiday season, or umbrellas that
sell mainly during the rainy season.
Gain valuable insights into product
performance by analyzing historical data
Amazon fees aren't the only cost! Consider hidden expenses like sourcing, shipping, storage for accurate profit margins