facebookHow to start selling on Amazon in 2024 | An expert’s guide by Amz OA

How to start selling
on Amazon – A new seller’s

Congratulations, new seller! Welcome to the world of Amazon selling!! We understand the hurdles that arise in Amazon sales and that's why we created AMZ Online Arbitrage, keeping YOU in mind. Our mission is simple: Empower you with the best seller tools, provide you with in-depth insights, and support to thrive in the competitive marketplace. So as a new seller, all you have got to do is just sit back, relax and let us handle the heavy lifting. Together, we'll turn your Amazon dreams into a profitable reality. 

Expand business with Amazon selling | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Step 01

Set Up Your Amazon Seller Account

Create profile on Amazon Seller Account | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Create Your Amazon Seller Account

  • Head to the https://sellercentral.amazon.com/ website and click on "Sign up."
  • Choose between an Individual or Professional account, depending on your business needs. If you are starting new, we recommend an Individual account.

Complete your Account Registration

  • Fill in your business information, including your legal business name and tax ID. 
  • Verify your identity and provide the necessary banking information for payments. You will be asked to verify your identity over a live call with a representative from Amazon, post which you will be eligible to list your products.

Step 02

Research Your Product Niche

Research and analyze Amazon selling | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Identify Your Niche

  • The most important aspect of a seller’s journey is to understand how to analyze and choose profitable products to sell on the Amazon marketplace. There are many ways this can be done.
  • Conduct thorough market/product research to identify a niche or product category that aligns with your interests, expectations and market demand.
  • AMZ Online Arbitrage’s ‘1 Day deals’ are perfectly suited for first time sellers who are new to product research. At only $9.99, avail a deals list with products that you can sell at a guaranteed profit, with information on where you can source them. These products are searched for and vetted by our expert VAs who are 7 figure Amazon sellers themselves.

Analyze Competitor Products

  • After shortlisting a niche/product, study successful products in your chosen niche.
  • Identify gaps in the market or opportunities for improvement

Step 03

Source Your Products

Find bestselling Amazon products | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Choose Your Sourcing Method

  • Explore various sourcing options such as retail arbitrage, online arbitrage, wholesale, or private labelling.
  • Consider working with reputable suppliers or manufacturers.
  • To those new sellers that purchase our 1 Day Deals, we also include information on where you can source your product, in a few clicks.

Evaluate Product Costs

  • Calculate all associated costs, including product cost, shipping fees, Amazon fees, and potential advertising expenses.

Step 04

Optimize Your Product Listings

Make money with Amazon Sales Central | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Create Compelling Product Titles

  • Craft clear and concise titles that include relevant keywords.
  • Highlight key product features.

Write Informative Product Descriptions

  • Provide detailed, accurate, and persuasive product descriptions.
  • Address potential customer questions and concerns.

Optimize Product Images

  • Use high-quality images showcasing your product from various angles.
  • Follow Amazon's image requirements for optimal visibility.

Step 05

Price Your Products Strategically

Get best product to sell on Amazon | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Consider Your Costs

  • Factor in all costs associated with your product, including sourcing, shipping, and Amazon fees.

Competitor Analysis

  • Analyze pricing strategies of competitors in your niche.
  • Set competitive yet profitable prices.

Step 06

Fulfillment Method: FBA vs FBM

Get fulfilment with Amazon | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

  • Utilize Amazon's fulfillment service for hands-off shipping and customer service.
  • Leverage Prime shipping benefits for increased visibility.

Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM)

  • Handle shipping and customer service independently.
  • Ideal for sellers with unique shipping methods or fulfillment capabilities.

Step 07

Launch Your Products and Optimize

Be the best Amazon seller with AMZ Online Arbitrage

Implement a Launch Strategy

  • Create buzz around your products using promotions, discounts, or limited time offers.
  • Encourage early reviews to build credibility.

Monitor and Optimize

  • Track your product performance using Amazon analytics.
  • Continuously optimize your listings based on customer feedback and market trends.

Step 08

Promote Your Products

Optimize Amazon sales with product promotion | Amz Online Arbitrage

Utilize Amazon Advertising

  • Leverage Amazon's advertising platform to increase product visibility.
  • Set a budget and target specific keywords relevant to your products.

Build an External Presence

  • Establish a presence on social media and other platforms to drive external traffic to your Amazon listings.

Step 09

Provide Excellent Customer Service

Customer service is key for Amazon sellers | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Respond Promptly to Customer Inquiries

  • Maintain quick response times to customer messages.
  • Address and resolve customer issues promptly.

Request and Respond to Reviews

  • Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.
  • Address any negative reviews professionally and seek resolution.

Step 10

Scale Your Business

Scale up your business with Amazon seller tools | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Expand Your Product Line

  • Introduce complementary products to expand your product line.
  • Leverage the success of your initial products to fuel growth.

Explore New Markets

  • Consider selling on international Amazon marketplaces.
  • Adapt your strategy to meet the unique demands of different regions.
Congratulations on taking the first steps toward becoming a successful Amazon seller!

Congratulations on taking the first step towards becoming a successful Amazon seller!
Keep learning, adapting to market changes, and refining your strategies to stay competitive in the dynamic e-commerce landscape.

At AMZ Online Arbitrage, we understand that every journey begins with a single sale. Our curated Deals Lists are your gateway to discovering profitable products with ease. Let our expert Virtual Assistants guide you with handpicked deals, complete with details on where to source them.

Check out the important Amazon metrics
for strategic selling

Discover essential Amazon seller terminology crucial for navigating
your journey in selling on Amazon.

Selling products on Amazon : making it beginner-friendly
Getting the roots deeper into Amazon seller for beginners

People interested in online Amazon arbitrage are increasing and coming forward to the business with products to sell on Amazon, they might also need a beginners guide to sell on Amazon, as there are many issues that an Amazon seller beginner might face, like how to start the Amazon online arbitrage, how to choose an apt retailor who can be trusted for their business, Read more...

Research Amazon product with Keepa Analytics | AMZ Online Arbitrage
Selling products on Amazon aking it beginner-friendly
Explore our specially designed Chrome Extensions for
New Sellers
Navigate Amazon products with ASIN Grabber seller tool | AMZ Online Arbitrage
ASIN Grabber

Navigate product pages effortlessly with our user-friendly extension.

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Identify product credibility with ASIN Checker seller tool | AMZ Online Arbitrage
ASIN Checker

Identify potential products with high-profit margins effortlessly.

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Check Amazon products overview with product research seller tool | AMZ Online Arbitrage
Product research tool- Infinity

Learn the ropes of efficient sourcing, guided by our expert VAs.

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Find bestselling Amazon products with product research tool | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Finding a product myself with AMZ’s-Infinity chrome extension.

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Find profitable products to sell on Amazon | AMZ Online Arbitrage

Let the expert VAs find a product for me, that I can sell for profit

Go to Deals List Find profitable products to sell on Amazon | AMZ Online Arbitrage