facebookRemove Negative Feedbacks On Your Amazon Seller Account

4 Easy Ways To Remove Negative Feedbacks On Your Amazon Seller Account

4 Easy Ways To Remove Negative Feedbacks On Your Amazon Seller Account

What would be your reaction if I said that there are some easy ways to remove the Negative Feedback from your Amazon Seller Account!!


Is Feedback Important?

Yes. It is. Feedback is essential for Amazon sellers to get higher conversions and build customer trust.

In this article, you will learn how to remove negative feedback from your account.


4 Ways To Remove Negative feedback 

These are the ways you can have your negative feedback removed from your Amazon Seller Account:

1. Request Amazon To Remove The Negative Feedback 

By the time you notice the negative feedback, the first thing you should try is to check that the buyer's response adheres to the Amazon Feedback Guidelines. If not, Amazon can remove the feedback on a request if:

The feedback is a product review: Amazon may remove an unwanted comment about a product since product reviews should be placed in the section dedicated to product reviews. This is possible because the Product Performance is not related to the amazon Seller's Transactional Performance.

Its promotional content: Reviewers are prohibited from promoting other sellers or websites on Amazon.

Use of obscene language: Language that is vulgar or abusive will be removed from feedback.

Personal details: The feedback will be removed if it identifies any Amazon customers.

Follow the steps to get the Negative Feedback removed by Amazon:

  • Open a new Seller Support Case from Seller Central

  • On the top menu, click on Performance and select Feedback

  • Filter the Negative feedback 

  • Select Request Removal from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side under the action

  • Select Get Help from the View case

  • Provide the reason you want the feedback removed

  • Click Submit Request.


2. Contact And Request The Buyer For Negative Feedback Removal 

If the negative feedback is not removed by Amazon, you can reach out to the buyer to remove the feedback. You can contact them via email and request them to delete their feedback politely.

Use only a professional tone to communicate with a buyer and never forget to apologize for the disappointment.

Before making the request, resolve the problem that the buyer mentioned in the feedback.

A buyer can delete his/her feedback within 90 days only. So you should act as quickly as possible to get the Negative Feedback removed by the buyer.

Follow the steps to get the Negative Feedback removed by the Reviewer:

  • Open the Orders tab

  • Select Feedback from the Manage Order option

  • Click on Order ID Number

  • Click on the name of the buyer and click the Other option

  • Enter a professional message

  • Click Send


3. Respond To The Negative Feedback  

Sometimes, the buyer will refuse to remove the Negative Feedback. Despite your efforts and requests, you will have to accept that the Negative Feedback is there to stay.

In such a case, you need to minimize the damage that arises from that Negative Feedback. to do so, follow the steps

  • Select Feedback from your Seller Central Account

  • Select Performance on the Seller Central Page

  • Select the Negative Feedback you want to remove

  • Click Action on the drop-down menu next to the relevant Order ID Number

  • Select Post a Public Reply option

  • Input a professional response

  • Review and click on Submit button


4. Manage Your Feedback Automatically 

It is definitely a difficult task to manage every Negative Feedback on your Amazon Seller Account and it also kills your time.

A single Negative Review can screw your Amazon Seller Account. To avoid this from happening, you can use a Feedback Manager Tool. It will help you to manage all your Negative Feedback and convert all the reviews into sales.    

This tool will notify you whenever Negative Feedback or a Negative Review about your product is made by someone. This will help you to act immediately and solve the issue.   

This tool can also help you to:

  • Get Automatic Negative Feedback Alerts

  • Keep daily track of Feedback and Reviews

  • Find individual buyer’s order information for quick responding



As an Amazon seller, you need to have a good seller feedback rating. Your seller rating could be unfairly affected by any Negative Feedback.

To minimize potential damage, it is essential to take steps to prevent negative feedback.

Sell profitable and restrictions-free products from Amz Online Arbitrage to get more positive feedback from the buyers, which will automatically boost your sales.

For more tips and resources on Amazon selling, check out amz Blog.




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