facebookHow to Start a Successful Business on Amazon

A Beginner's Guide To Selling On Amazon

A Beginner's Guide To Selling On Amazon

200 million unique monthly customers choose to buy on Amazon over any other store.

Well, that's a huge customer base, right? And, the number keeps growing along with the sales made each year.

Hence, becoming a seller on Amazon is a good idea if you are looking to earn some extra cash or sell old but usable things.

Before that, there are a lot of factors you need to consider when selling on Amazon. Here's a detailed guide on Amazon selling for beginners looking to learn how to sell on Amazon.

Let's take a look.



1. Create a solid selling strategy.

Obvious right? You're going to become a successful seller on Amazon. Whether you're starting out or going to expand, you need to have a selling strategy in place.

Your selling strategy can depend on what method you want to sell, or how you wish to sell your products. There are different methods like retail arbitrage for amazon , wholesale and private label. Choose the selling method that works best for your business.

Create a selling strategy that matches your brand mission, budget, and target audience. You can also choose a fulfillment plan according to your selling strategy and goals.


2. Find a profitable niche for your business.

There is a vast number of categories and industries to choose from and find your niche.

Let's say you intend to sell clothes on Amazon, you're doing business in the clothing niche.

You need to conduct research to know the demand and competition for a product/category. This will help you choose a profitable niche for your business.

If you're already selling offline, then you will have knowledge about your niche. All you need to do is expand the business on Amazon.

If you're a newbie, you need to do research as well as consider your interests.


3. Find profitable products for selling. 

After determining the category or niche that you plan to sell, you need to find a profitable product.

Picking the right product is a crucial step here. You need to analyze various factors and sourcing products is another tedious task.

Products are a deciding factor whether you run a successful business or not. But, finding profitable products is not that easy.

Well, you don't need to worry. With Amz Online Arbitrage, it's now easier to get profitable products.

It is an online arbitrage software platform where you can get profitable deals. You can find profitable products of the category you wish to sell here.

All you need to do is sign up at Amz Online Arbitrage and get access to various deal lists. Choose the deal list that meets your selling goals, buy the products and resell them on Amazon.


4. Create your Amazon seller account

To sell on Amazon, you need to create an Amazon account. You have to select either a Professional or Individual seller-type account.

Not sure which account type to use? If you’re planning to sell more than 40 items a month, it's best to go for a Professional account. If less than that, choose Individual account type.

Once you choose your account type, you’ll need to provide:

  1. Business Name and Address

  2. Agree to Seller agreement

  3. Mobile or Telephone Number

  4. Billing Method/Deposit – Chargeable Credit Card for Professional Account

  5. Tax information – If signing up for Professional Account

Remember, you need to provide your "Display Name" which will be displayed to your audience. This will be the name buyers see next to the item you’re selling.


5. List your products on Amazon

Once you have established your business, and chosen your products, you can start listing them on the platform. In the listing, you don't add basic product information. You need to include details that will appeal to the customers.

You need to focus on the product title, description, and images. You should also include keywords that will help increase the product ranking.


6. FBA or FBM

Choose your fulfillment plan, either fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) or fulfilled by yourself (FBM). If you can store and deliver on time to the customer, you can fulfill orders yourself.

But, the better choice is Amazon FBA. By choosing FBA, you have a lot of benefits like winning the buy box and a lot more. Amazon FBA helps you to pick, pack, and store your products. They also take care of customer service and handle returns.

If you want to know more about FBA and FBM in detail, check out this guide: FBA or FBM – What's Best For Your Amazon Business?


Final Thoughts

Selling on Amazon might seem like a great opportunity to make money, but there are a lot of factors to consider.

However, it is not a bad place to start selling because the marketplace is huge, and you can successfully make sales too. Hope this guide helped you understand the basics of starting out on Amazon as a seller.

For more content and tips on Amazon selling, follow amz blog.


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